Coronary Artery Patients




Study Population:This group of cardiac patients is from the Intercity Digital Electrocardiogram Alliance (IDEAL) database. These coronary artery disease patients (271 patients) had positive angiogram (at least one vessel narrowing >75%) and either exercise induced ischemia or evidence of previous myocardial infarction. These patients were in stable phase of ischemic heart disease since they were enrolled at least 2 month after their event. The Electrocardiograms were acquired using three pseudo-orthogonal lead configuration (X, Y and Z). There is a initial resting supine period for a 20 minutes duration before starting the ambulatory recording.

All patients are suppose to be in sinus rhythm. Only cardiac patients without evidence of congestive heart failure were included.

Eligibility criteria:


Exclusion criteria:


Basic descriptive statistics of the study population:

EF:left ventricular ejection fraction; VT: ventricular tachycardia, CHF: congenitve heart failure, BB: beta-blocker therapy

  Male Female All
N 223 48 271
Age (yrs) 58.9 59.8 59.1
EF (%) 57 60 218
Syncope (n) 15 7 22
VT (n) 16 3 19
CHF (n) 83 4 87
Diabetic (n) 50 13 63


Description of the group of patients with and without beta-blocking therapies (N=223).

  no BB BB all
N 54 169 223
Age (yrs) 60.2 58.5 58.9
diabetes (n) 10 40 50
VT (n) 6 10 16
Syncope (n) 2 13 15
EF (%) 56.4 57.0 56.9


Total Clinical Information available for the database:

ID ID = 'Study Identifier'
BETA_BLK BETA_BLK = Taking Beta-Blockers(0/1)
DIGOXIN DIGOXIN = Taking Beta-Blockers(0/1)
DIURETIC DIURETIC = Taking Diuretics(0/1)
ACEINHIB ACEINHIB = Taking Ace-Inhibitors(0/1)
ANTIARRH ANTIARRH = Taking Anti-Arrhythmics(0/1)
FIBRINLY Fibrinolysis (Y=1/N=0)
RACE RACE = 'Race(White/Black/Asian/Other)'
HEIGHT HEIGHT = 'Height (cm)'
WEIGHT WEIGHT = 'Weight (Kg)'
BP_SYST Systolic Blood pressure
BP_DIAST Diastolic blood pressure
SMOKING smoking (y=1/n=0)
HYPERTEN HYPERTEN = 'Hypertension treated w/ Meds'
DIABETES DIABETES = 'Diabetes Mellitus (0-no/1-w/insulin/2-w/o insulin)'
VT VT = 'Ventricular Tachycardia'
SYNCOPE SYNCOPE = 'Full Syncope(0/1)';
PRIOR_MI Date of Prior MI (mm/dd/yyyy)
AP AP = 'Severity of Angina Pectoris'
CHF CHF = 'Severity of CHF Treatment'
CPK CPK = 'Peak CPK Level(I.U.)'
MI_LOCA MI_LOC = 'Location of Infarction based on ECG'
1 = 'Anterior'
2 = 'Inferior(posterior)'
3 = 'Lateral'
4 = 'Ant-Lat'
5 = 'Inf=Lat'
9 = 'Unknown'
THROMBO THROMBO = 'Thrombolytic Therapy'
PUL_CONG PUL_CONG = 'Pulmonary Congestion(0/1)'
AP_3DAYS AP_3DAYS = 'Angina Pectoris 1-3 days prior to discharge'
ST_DEP ST_DEP = 'Transient ST segment Depression(0/1)'
VA VA = 'Ventricular Arrhythmias'
0 = 'NO VPBS'
1 = 'VPBs'
2 = 'NSVT(3beats/30secs)'
3 = 'SVT(>30sec)'
4 = 'Torsade de Pointes'
5 = 'VF'
6 = 'Other'
9 = 'Unknown';
LVDS LV systolic dimension
LVDD LV diastolic dimensions
AGE AGE = 'Age'
BMI BMI = 'Body Mass Index'
EF EF = 'Ejection Fraction via Angiogram/Echocardiogram'
WMA WMA = 'Wall Motion Abnormality via Echo/Angiogram'


ECG Characteristics:

Number of leads : 3 (X, Y Z leads, pseudo orthogonal configuration)

Sampling Frequency : 200Hz

Amplitude Resolution: 10 microV

Example of 10-min ECG and associated annotation files are availble for download: example.ecg and example.ann

The format of these files is described in here.